Elevate Your Online Presence with Vyper.Media

Expertly crafted websites for startups and businesses, tailored to your unique needs and vision.

This is the sign you've been looking for neon signage

Our services

From website development and hosting to SEO optimization, graphic design, and in-store advertising opportunities, our services are designed to boost your business's online and offline presence.

Website Development

We build custom, responsive websites that combine modern design with seamless functionality to help your business stand out online. From business sites to e-commerce platforms, we create scalable solutions tailored to your needs.

Web Hosting and Domain Services

Our secure, fast web hosting and domain services ensure your website stays online with 99.9% uptime, while we handle updates, backups, and support. We can also help you find and register the perfect domain for your brand.

people sitting down near table with assorted laptop computers
people sitting down near table with assorted laptop computers
white and black abstract painting
white and black abstract painting
a person writing on a piece of paper
a person writing on a piece of paper
SEO and Performance Optimization

We optimize your website to improve search engine rankings, boost site speed, and enhance mobile performance. With detailed analytics, we help drive traffic and conversions to your site.

Graphic Design

Our professional graphic design services create cohesive and eye-catching visuals, from logos to marketing assets, ensuring your brand stands out across digital and print platforms.

Retail Advertising Displays for Store Owners

Earn passive income by hosting one of our digital ad displays in your retail space, with Vyper.Media handling installation, content, and ad management.

turned on MacBook on table beside iMac
turned on MacBook on table beside iMac
This is the sign you've been looking for neon signage
This is the sign you've been looking for neon signage
A curved facade covered in white latticework
A curved facade covered in white latticework
Advertising Opportunities for Businesses

Promote your brand with targeted ads in physical retail stores, allowing you to engage local audiences and boost visibility through our strategically placed digital displays.

Contact us

Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns. You can use the form on our website or email us directly. We appreciate your interest and look forward to hearing from you.

Get in touch





73 Sackville Drive
Lower Sackville, NS B4C-2R2

Opening hours

Monday - Saturday: 10:30 - 5:30

Sunday: Closed

Website Development Services

We create high-quality websites tailored to your business needs, including e-commerce and landing pages.

a laptop computer sitting on top of a wooden table
a laptop computer sitting on top of a wooden table
a laptop computer sitting on top of a wooden desk
a laptop computer sitting on top of a wooden desk
Graphic Design Support

Our talented graphic designers enhance your website with stunning visuals and engaging layouts for success.

E-commerce Solutions

We provide comprehensive e-commerce solutions to help you sell online effectively and efficiently.